About Us
Spread over an area of 5,000 sq.ft with 2 floors,we are well equipped with machineries like Bending Machine,Turning Machine,Cutting Machine,Welding Machine, Drilling Machine and others
Hotel Resources is a decade year old manufacturing company,making Hotel Furniture,Hotel Kitchens equipments and other equipments related to Hotels / Hospitality industry.We manufacture these in both M.S & S.S and other materials based on the customer’s specifications.
Round,square & rectangular pipes of Mild Steel (MS) OR Stainless Steel (SS) of various diameters ranging from 12mm,19mm,25mm,32mm to 50mm depending on the requirements of the object.We use 16 SWG or 18 SWG based on quality and robustness of the structure..

We also use angles & flats of 3mm & 5mm thickness.Sheets of 1mm,1.2mm,1.6mm & 2mm are also used.The MS objects are powder coated using a variety of colours,likewise MS objects are matt finished until & unless specified by the clients for minor finish.